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Crisp LaDew | Fire Protection | Fire Protection ContractorsMIC & Corrosion In A Fire Sprinkler System.

Crisp-LaDew recognizes that Fire Sprinkler Systems are vulnerable to attack from Microbiological Influenced Corrosion (MIC) and other types of corrosion. We are experts in identifying threats to your existing fire sprinkler systems and can help protect what your investment.

MIC can invade and destroy both new and old fire sprinkler systems. The rusting process within fire sprinkler systems occurs frequently. The water, high in oxygen, reacts with iron. It starts rusting and the pipe becomes damaged. Rust is the beginning of the problem. Then, chemical acids start either as a by-product of bacteria and/or the by-product of reduced oxygen. Tubercles are formed and “tell tale” signs of the impending disaster appear. The deposits formed consist of red-brown ferric hydroxide and greenish black ferrous hydroxide, to include other mineral deposits. These deposits are called tubercles and, at times, are a combination of “microbiological attack” and/or “oxygen cell” corrosion.

MIC can occur in any aqueous environment. MIC is a common problem in fire sprinkler systems because of the presence of microbes, water, adequate nutrients and corrosive by-products. These microorganisms form colonies on the surface of a metal, producing slimes that collect and glue deposits to the metal. They do not form uniform layers, but local “community centers.” Once a colony has formed, it tends to attract other biological and non-biological species (metals and chlorides) to the colonization sites.

All this leads to the formation of crevices, allowing corrosion to proceed. The end results of MIC are plugged sprinkler heads and tuberculation which can result in thinning of the metal pipes to include the cause of pinhole leaks. This destruction can severely cripple or disable a fire sprinkler system and cause catastrophic damage to the building and its valuable contents.
Crisp-LaDew offers one the most comprehensive MIC programs in the industry which focuses on the “big 3”:

Crisp LaDew | Fire Protection | Fire Protection Equipment#1 Test for MIC and corrosion in your fire sprinkler system.

  • Crisp-LaDew offers several levels of MIC inspection from on-site testing to extensive lab work.

#2 Treat it. Kill the MIC and corrosion.

#3 Maintenance.

  • Whether your fire sprinkler system was tested as MIC and corrosion free, or treatment was necessary, the real key to controlling MIC is by establishing an on-going MIC maintenance program. Crisp-LaDew recommends quarterly MIC testing, or having your system inspected annually at minimum. Just like with your automobile, proper maintenance will greatly contribute to your system operating at its maximum capacity.

Ask Crisp-LaDew for more information about how a MIC maintenance program can work for you, and what the cost range is.